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MES Production Execution Management System

Langling Intelligent can be flexibly configured according to the actual operation mode of the factory. Each role in the factory can quickly obtain the necessary data information for collaboration, helping you better improve actual production efficiency and quality. By comprehensively grasping production needs, resources, and goals, it fully stimulates the advantage of information transparency, allowing you to face various production challenges with more confidence!
The MES production execution management system provides operators/managers with the execution and tracking of plans, as well as the current status of all resources. Factory holographic modeling, intelligent management, and efficient operation have increased comprehensive efficiency by 50-200%, achieving data-driven manufacturing, and completing the upgrade of intelligent factories.


◎ Production visualization and report analysis
Data collection and processing, equipment status monitoring, production process monitoring, alarm monitoring, and production data statistical analysis.

◎ Device Management
Reasonable planning and scheduling, reducing equipment downtime, and reducing inventory backlog and scrap through scientific classification and inventory monitoring of spare parts.

◎ Production management
Production planning, production implementation, work distribution, reward for merit, performance management.

◎ Quality management
Data collection, statistical analysis of quality data, quality control, SPC and quality error prevention are adopted.

◎ Material management
Record material performance, effectively control the selection of materials in the formula, avoid random replacement of materials, and improve product stability.

◎ Physical distribution management
Packaging and packaging, inventory control, inventory management, inbound and outbound management, and vehicle status monitoring.

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